Monday, April 4, 2011

Grignard Reaction

Our assignment this week was to locate a reaction containing either a organolithium, organocuperate or grignard reagent. I chose one containing the Grignard reagemt. A Grignard reagent is an alkyl or aryl magnesium halide that acts as a nucleophil and attatcks a electrophilic carbon that are polar bonded to another carbon atom.The reacton I chose was the synthesis of N,NDIBENZYL-N-(2-ETHENYLCYCLOPROPYL)AMINE.

This reaction involves the reaction of N,N - dibenzylformamide (in red) with the grignard reagent,  3-butenylmagnesium bromide (in green). The Grignard reagent is added dropwise for 30 minutes resulting in a temporary black precipitate which requires a stirring for an additional hour.

The resulting product,  N,N-Dibenzyl-N-(2-Ethenylcyclopropyl)Amine, results in the formation of two new C-C bonds (shown in yellow) forms a three carbon ring. The resulting product is a yellow silicon gel.


  1. Scott,

    Ahem, where are your references?

  2. I apologize Dr. Mullins, I mistakenly posted without posting the link. For whatever its worth here is the link to the article by which obtained this article.
